Los chicos de inglés aprendieron a presentarse y los números del 1 al 10. Finalmente todos jugaron al bingo...y los chicos de francés cantaron Je Veux de Zaz
MARTIN LUTHER KING- Enseñanza de Francés e Inglés
jueves, 24 de abril de 2014
Integración Francés- Inglés
El miércoles 16 de Abril los alumnos de Francés de 2do año fueron, guiados por su Profesora Alicia Malagreca, maestros por un día de los alumnos de Inglés 1er año a cargo de la Profesora Mariel Peveri.
Los chicos de inglés aprendieron a presentarse y los números del 1 al 10. Finalmente todos jugaron al bingo...y los chicos de francés cantaron Je Veux de Zaz
Los chicos de inglés aprendieron a presentarse y los números del 1 al 10. Finalmente todos jugaron al bingo...y los chicos de francés cantaron Je Veux de Zaz
sábado, 19 de abril de 2014
jueves, 10 de abril de 2014
El 9 de Abril visitó nuestro CECIE un becario de la Comisión Fulbright. Compartió nuestra jornada de trabajo con los niños y adolescentes de nuestra institución.
Los alumnos disfrutaron muchísimo del intercambio.
Aquí la presentación de nuestro invitadoy fotos del trabajo en nuestro CECIE.
Martin Tucker Wilson
Dear students,
I am very excited for the opportunity to work with you all. In fact, it’s still hard for me
to believe that I have been given such an honor. I can’t wait to be in Buenos Aires, learning
along with all of you. When I was thinking of how I would introduce myself, I thought of a few
different moments that led me to Argentina.
My story begins the summer after my sophomore year in college, when I returned
home for summer break to my hometown of Chicago, Illinois and started an internship leading
some reading programs for a community organization in the city. Being from outside the city
and attending some of the best schools in the state of Illinois, my educational experience was
extremely different from the inner-city students who I was able to teach. I remember sitting
down with a third-grade student on the first day, and he didn’t know how to spell his name.
However, by the end of the summer all my students had tremendously progressed, and I felt
like I had found something I wanted to keep working towards: providing an excellent
education for all children in Chicago.
Along with working in the local community, I have also always had a passion for
learning languages and cultures across the globe. During the summer after my third year at
Kansas State, I studied in a Spanish-immersion program at the Universidad de Córdoba in
southern Spain, where after years of studying Spanish I was able to practice the language with
many authentic Spanish-speakers. I really enjoyed my classes on the history and art of Spain,
and I also liked observing and interacting with new people everyday. One of my favorite
memories from my time in Spain was my morning breakfast at a nearby café while reading the
newspaper—I enjoy just being in new places and watching and reading how other people
make sense of the world.
Now, I am back in Chicago and am studying elementary education in the Urban Teacher
Education Program at the University of Chicago. I am with a cohort of 22 other prospective
teachers, all of whom wish to teach young students in Chicago. I have learned a lot about
teaching and the educational system in Chicago—its power structure, neighborhoods and
housing arrangements, the people who make up the communities, etc.—and I can’t wait to
learn more about the educational systems in Argentina. My dream job is to be a bilingual
teacher in the Chicago Public Schools, and I want to work with the Latino populations and
communities in Chicago. I feel like learning about the Argentine culture and becoming more
fluent in Spanish will have a great impact on my pedagogy. Everything I learn from you all I
will be able to apply with my future students.
Aside from that, I am also an avid outdoorsman and sports fan. I hunt for white tailed
deer with both gun and bow, and I like bass fishing. My favorite team is the American football
team, the Buffalo Bills, and I also like the Chicago Bulls. I am hoping to play some basketball
and Argentine football while in Buenos Aires.
I am looking forward to working with you all.
Tucker Wilson
Los alumnos disfrutaron muchísimo del intercambio.
Aquí la presentación de nuestro invitadoy fotos del trabajo en nuestro CECIE.
Martin Tucker Wilson
Dear students,
I am very excited for the opportunity to work with you all. In fact, it’s still hard for me
to believe that I have been given such an honor. I can’t wait to be in Buenos Aires, learning
along with all of you. When I was thinking of how I would introduce myself, I thought of a few
different moments that led me to Argentina.
My story begins the summer after my sophomore year in college, when I returned
home for summer break to my hometown of Chicago, Illinois and started an internship leading
some reading programs for a community organization in the city. Being from outside the city
and attending some of the best schools in the state of Illinois, my educational experience was
extremely different from the inner-city students who I was able to teach. I remember sitting
down with a third-grade student on the first day, and he didn’t know how to spell his name.
However, by the end of the summer all my students had tremendously progressed, and I felt
like I had found something I wanted to keep working towards: providing an excellent
education for all children in Chicago.
Along with working in the local community, I have also always had a passion for
learning languages and cultures across the globe. During the summer after my third year at
Kansas State, I studied in a Spanish-immersion program at the Universidad de Córdoba in
southern Spain, where after years of studying Spanish I was able to practice the language with
many authentic Spanish-speakers. I really enjoyed my classes on the history and art of Spain,
and I also liked observing and interacting with new people everyday. One of my favorite
memories from my time in Spain was my morning breakfast at a nearby café while reading the
newspaper—I enjoy just being in new places and watching and reading how other people
make sense of the world.
Now, I am back in Chicago and am studying elementary education in the Urban Teacher
Education Program at the University of Chicago. I am with a cohort of 22 other prospective
teachers, all of whom wish to teach young students in Chicago. I have learned a lot about
teaching and the educational system in Chicago—its power structure, neighborhoods and
housing arrangements, the people who make up the communities, etc.—and I can’t wait to
learn more about the educational systems in Argentina. My dream job is to be a bilingual
teacher in the Chicago Public Schools, and I want to work with the Latino populations and
communities in Chicago. I feel like learning about the Argentine culture and becoming more
fluent in Spanish will have a great impact on my pedagogy. Everything I learn from you all I
will be able to apply with my future students.
Aside from that, I am also an avid outdoorsman and sports fan. I hunt for white tailed
deer with both gun and bow, and I like bass fishing. My favorite team is the American football
team, the Buffalo Bills, and I also like the Chicago Bulls. I am hoping to play some basketball
and Argentine football while in Buenos Aires.
I am looking forward to working with you all.
Tucker Wilson
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